Comping feature in Ableton Live 11. Design improvements

Aleksandr Sood'in
2 min readMar 14, 2021


Job stories

When I want to use this new “lanes” functionality, I want to:

  • know how to use lanes
  • record and edit lanes
  • create and delete lanes
  • preview and hide lanes
  • know which tracks contain lanes
  • merge final lane in one clip, in order to move it to session view

Problems and solutions

Help view

Problem: User follows the Help view article, starts recording, but no lane is created.

Solution: Add to the article about Comping in the Help view , that it is also neccessary to activate the Loop switch on transport panel.

Show/Hide button and indicator

Problem: User doesn’t understand which tracks contain lanes and how to show them.

Solution: Add Lanes mode button.

Like there is already Automation mode button over tracks names, to the left from “lock” icon, highlighted with blue.

So that it would look like this. When Lanes mode is selected — show Show lanes buttons on tracks with Lanes. Now there is Show lanes button in the right part of “2 Audio” track. Like “Automation mode” shows us dropdown menu with automated parameter. Just click on “Lanes mode” shouldn’t open all lanes of all tracks, of cource.

Well, in colapsed view it might be too much, but at least in expanded it should be ok. The button is in the bottom left corner of “2 Audio” track.



Aleksandr Sood'in

Product & sound designer, trying to get hired by Ableton